Bicycle riding, trekking and hiking are all very popular forms of recreation. Island Brač is rich with trekking and hiking paths, many of which are suitable for recreationists. We would recommend a walk by the sea, without climbs on the gravel road to the beach Lovrečina (4km), to a small village of Splitska (2,5km), or to ethno-eco village of Dol by asphalt road 3km inland.
For walks with hills and climbs, we would recommend a walk to antique site “Mirje” (2,5km) or to inland village of Škrip (4km) where you can visit Museum of island Brač or Olive oil museum. For those aiming for higher fitness level we would suggest hiking route Postira-Bol, total length of 21km. The route connects island's north and south, with hiking duration of about five hours. Along the way you will find many cultural and natural landmarks. You can plan your return by regular bus line Bol-Postira. Beside the recommended ones, there are also numerous other routes and paths in all parts of the island, each with its own beauty and distinctiveness.
Printed maps with marked trekking and hiking routes will be waiting for you in your apartment.